One of the most common complaints people have is not being at their ideal weight. Whether you want to lose weight or gain it, it seems to be a common issue. While most people are concerned about their weight for aesthetic reasons, the truth is, your weight has a crucial role in many aspects of your health and wellbeing.
When you weigh too much for your body type, it could cause many symptoms and conditions to develop. Examples include diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attack, and arthritis to name a few.
Here are a few benefits of losing weight.
Preventive Care
Being at the ideal weight for your body type is a great preventive measure in keeping many diseases, conditions, and injuries at bay. Your body is like a machine. When it is well-maintained, you experience fewer issues. When you do not take care of your body and overburden it with extra fat and weight, your body has to work harder in many ways to keep running. Being at your ideal weight gives your body a healthy foundation on which to function. You lower your risk of many problems, such as heart attack, arthritis, hypertension, and diabetes. Being at a healthy weight is even more important if you have preexisting conditions or if you have a family history of certain diseases. Maintaining your weight gives your body an advantage and helps it fight off illnesses more effectively.
Pain Relief
If you or a loved one are overweight and frequently experience aches and pains, it shouldn’t be a surprise. Excess weight puts greater pressure on your joints, especially the load-bearing joints, like your lower back, hips, knees, and ankles. The protective cartilage of joints can wear down faster with the pressure of excess weight, which ends up increasing your risk of arthritis and other joint-related problems. Excess weight makes your entire body work harder than it needs to, including your muscles, tendons, and ligaments. This increases your risk of injuring these components with even the most basic of movements and activities. Finally, pain symptoms associated with being overweight reduce your quality of life. If you can’t partake in the activities you love, spend time with friends and family, or keep up with the hustle and bustle of life because of aches and pains, your weight may be to blame.
There is no denying that being at a healthy weight gets you closer to looking the way you want. Feeling great about the way you look is not just about aesthetics. It can make you happier and more positive about life. When this happens, you are likely to be active, do more activities, and live a more worthwhile life.
Lose Weight Effectively in Denton and Frisco, Texas
At Star Medical Associates, we can help you reach your health and weight loss goals. We provide weight management guidance and nutritional counseling as part of our preventive care services. Headed by Dr. Rani Anbarasu, we are a team of health care specialists that truly cares for patients.
To schedule a consultation, call Star Medical Associates at (940) 382-6900 in Denton, Texas, or (469) 301-2300 in Frisco or request an appointment today. Our team looks forward to serving you.